Tips for Overcoming Pain of Excessive Jealousy

Excessive jealousy is often the beginning of separation. If you've found your lover, from Russian Mail Order Brides. Take control of your jealousy. If you can control your jealousy, will further strengthen your relationship with your lover. But if excessive, your lover will go from you.

1. Don’t be too quick in making conclusions

Your spouse doesn’t have to exist at any time with you. When you are in office, met with relatives. Maybe she is a career woman who also has a relationship. The importance is openness in this case. If you and your spouse truly is committed to maintaining your love. Of course, raises the suspicion that jealousy isn’t going too quickly concluded that one of you have betrayed your commitment to both.

2. Asks your partner

Not necessarily your jealousy is correct, prior to the conclusion you should check directly with your spouse. Don’t make your jealousy be one of a boomerang that will harm your relationship

3. Jealousy = love

Everyone knows, that jealousy is one application of the love and affection of the couple. Relationship without jealousy, the same vegetables without salt. The absence of conflict within a relationship will certainly be felt flat. You may feel jealous and apply it more wisely. Talk to your partner; don’t directly predict the occurrence that you face. Your jealousy is not necessarily true. Take control of your jealousy more wisely, not to turn away couples because you are jealous attitude.

4. Positive Thinking

Not one person would feel comfortable if his heart torn with jealousy. To mute it, you should think positive; think about the things that can make you not too stuck in your jealousy. For example, remind yourself that your partner loves you sincerely care and are committed to your relationship and love and respect you. Tell yourself that you are worthy and interesting people, worthy of being loved and loved and there's nothing to be afraid that someone will take heart, because he really loves you

5. Remain calm

Sense of calm will take you on a positive situation. One of the best ways to dampen the emotions is calm, so also when asked on the couple. Make sure when you ask not to the emotions bubbling, not to nag, or browbeat the couple. Say quietly in pairs, about feeling that is making you uncomfortable; ask him to help solve problems that you feel.

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