Jack Lalanne, the Godfather of Fitness died at the age of 96 years

Jack Lalanne, the Godfather of Fitnes died
The founder of Fitness in America, Jack Lalanne died on Sunday, at the age of 96 years. Jack Lalanne is the American icon, known for his show The Jack Lalanne Show. The Godfather of Fitness is her nickname.

According to Rick Hersh, agents Lalanne, he died on Sunday at his home Morro Bay because of respiratory failure caused by pneumonia.

The Jack Lalanne Show started in 1951 as a local program on ABC Television Station San Francisco and then moved into a national program in 1959. At the time of equipment for gymnastics is very simple, it just uses a chair and a towel - no special equipment.

"I told the truth, I practice what I teach. I helped many people to obtain a better life, "says Lalanne.

In 1930, on his birthday he has to take action to swim from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco with his hands on bogrol condition and doing push - ups within 19 ½ minutes. He did not invite us to be like him, breaking a record like his, but he invites us, for at least three or four days a week for exercise, makes our blood circulation around and makes the muscles work.

In 1936, he founded the first health club in Oakland, California. For his efforts generated a lot of fitness machines like this now.

Also at the 95th birthday he had time to write a book called "Young Live Forever", in it he discusses how to stay healthy and active well into old continued. Although old age, Lalanne continue to work every morning for two hours. He spent half the museum fitness equipment in his possession and a half hour walk or swim.

He suggested that how busy we have to do sports, because of inactivity the muscles of the body due to too much silence is a killer. It's never too late to exercise. Unconsciously, we've hurt our own bodies by not utilize them optimally, do not use our muscles.

When he was 15 years old is a child who resides in the fall have diabetes. He was present at an event, where speakers said that for people who have diabetes, then they can be reborn into a new human being by following the laws of nature: Exercising and eating the right foods. The next day he stopped eating foods that contain lots of sugar, and he also joined the YMCA Berkeley, California. After finding enlightenment at that age, Lalanne lucky to get a copy of the classic medical book Gray's Anatomy. By the time she got out of high school, he knew enough about the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This knowledge turned out to give much benefit how he could do the exercises themselves and create their own fitness equipment.

Tom Goldman in 2004 spent a day with Lalanne before he died. He said he gave the motivation that, anything in life is possible if you make it happen and do not exceed the limit your eating. Because ten seconds on the lips, it will cause a lifelong disease in the hip. How busy, use the time to exercise.

Many memories left by Jack Lalanne on his wife, Elaine (78). Lalanne has a word, the word love. In a question, he said, "I not only lost my husband and a great American icon, but the best friend and partner of the most loved by everyone who is expecting it."

The moral of this news, in my view:
Exercising balanced by eating the right foods, it is particularly important, so we can enjoy Young Live Forever.

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