How to Make A Good Research Paper Format

A research paper aims to test the hypothesis, prediction and many other things that have been acquired during long-term research, which further proves that a hypothesis generated quite valid.

The composition of document research papers, can reflect a deep relationship between theory and fact.

Develop a good paper with the format begins with the selection of an appropriate topic, the topic you know well or topic you are interested in it.

The composition of the research paper in a simple format consisting of :


- Background
Contains the reason the election theme in the manufacture of paper.

- Objectives
Contains about goals to be achieved by making paper / paper.

- Scope of Material
Contains about science or theory relating to the themes that were taken in the paper / paper.

Contains both the discussion and research on the science or theory that has been discussed by experts associated with the theme of paper / paper selected. The material discussed theoretically associated with the practical application of theory / science in everyday life reality.

To write a theory drawn from the experts do not forget to include your name, year or ever book containing the theory. So that the source / speaker is clear and no doubt the source. If making a quotation please quote the same page where the quote was taken.

Contains the data obtained in the field / reality and is associated with a science or an existing theory. If there is compliance discussed further and may also include a personal opinion which is closely related to the theme / proposals / suggestions / ideas / ideas.

If it found a discrepancy between the theory or science that already exist with the reality on the ground, it also needs to be discussed to see why this can happen. Can also be included personal opinion is closely related to the theme / proposals / suggestions / ideas / ideas that between reality with science, whether that has to do or not, can be articulated and detailed.

Contains the final conclusion of the discussion that has been made. Writing a short conclusion and clear, no such long discussions.

The proposal and Suggestions
It can also be included proposals and suggestions from authors who have emerged in the discussion.

Contains all the sources used in the manufacture of paper / paper. Bibliography of books, newspapers, magazines, Internet sites and information from others. The writing is complete and follow the rules of Indonesian writing is good and right.

It contains the whole image / photo or graphic or also data that support the creation

If you want to know more deeply, you can find in the research paper format.

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