Important documents in conducting Medical Tourism

What should I take to complete the journey medical tourism? Do I need special documents? For people who have never traveled far, the action across the state border, to make medical tourism raises additional questions about the documents that must be prepared. Then what documents should be prepared before making the medical tourism?

Statistics of patients who do travel for medical tourism activity is increasing every day. Many of those new first time traveling abroad. Travel for medical tourism is not constrained, the need for good preparation. The first thing suggested is to create a list of documents that must be taken.

Lists of documents required are:

    * Valid passport
    * Visa to the country of destination
    * Immunization records (if necessary)
    * Prescription medicines and your doctor's letter
    * Photocopy of passport and other documents.
    * Travel insurance policy and other insurance as deemed necessary
    * Cash to taste.

Passports are Still Valid: All travel to foreign countries require the use of a passport, so make sure you review or do this procedure for the first and sometimes the process can take longer than expected. Depending on your country, your passport can be valid for 5 to 10 years, but most require entrants to have a passport valid for at least 6 months.

Visa to the country of destination: Depending on your nationality and country of destination you may need to adjust the travel visa. This can be a complicated process, with the long form to fill out and send lots of documents. It may even be necessary for you to send documents by mail to the city where the consulate of the country of destination or even if you stop in another country where a visa is also required.

Vaccination Cards: Some countries require this vaccination card for certain infectious diseases before entering the country. For this, you usually get the vaccine at a public clinic and asked for a yellow book that explains what you have. This process also had to do with time.

Prescription drugs and a letter from your doctor. This is only necessary if you have a medical condition that requires you to take your medications at the time on board the aircraft. Letter doctor is required only if you have physical problems that can cause doubt to the immigration authorities of your health, so doctors must certify that you are able to travel.

Photocopies of documents. We recommend you carry at least two photocopies of any important documents and store them in different parts of the original. This will help you if you have an emergency with the loss or theft of documents (It is better you prepare your confusion rather than later!)

Travel insurance, health insurance and others: If you purchase travel insurance, bring a copy of the policy to you to make a claim if you need it.

Cash: It is required to bring cash to pay a little trouble on the road. Cash can function at the time of giving tips, buying something with cash, and should be applicable to the type of money in the State of destination.

You already know the list of documents you should prepare. Everything takes time, be wise if you take care of it well in advance before making your medical tourism.

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